Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

Hitting The "Pause" Button — Storage Tips For Moving Abroad Temporarily

Terra Fields

Do you have the opportunity to move abroad for a period of time? The chance to live in another country is one that doesn't come along often and many want to take advantage of when they can. If you find yourself with this rare chance, here are three tips for packing up and leaving your current life in limbo. 

1. Store Rather Than Sell

If you can move elsewhere for a year or more, you may be tempted to purge your belongings. This is particularly true of bulky items like furniture, bedding, appliances, or decor. But the danger in taking this "all or nothing" course is that the trip may not translate into a permanent (or even a long-term) stay. 

Some people who do move to a radically different location find that it just isn't for them in the end. And the opportunity could end at any time. You might get sick, run out of money, or need to care for a family member at home, for instance. If any of these happen, you'll be in a hard position if you sold everything. 

2. Store Near a Friend

So, if you plan to store belongings of any size, where should you do it? The best choice is a storage facility not based on your own location but based on that of a trusted friend or family member — even if it's a little less convenient for you right now. 

By using a facility that is convenient to someone willing to help you out, they can access your stuff when you need it and even ship or mail things to you. They will also be in a position to keep an eye on your stuff, checking in on it occasionally. 

3. Pack and Store Carefully

When you store items for the long term, you must take a different approach than a short-term move. Instead of using whatever boxes are available and putting in items haphazardly, you may want to invest in more durable and protective bins as well as protective material.

Take extra care to clean everything before packing it so that no dirt or debris builds up or corrodes. And avoid stacking items high or in precarious positions where they could easily shift while no one is looking. Finally, ask your trusted friend to check on stored items for stability and condition on regular bases. 

When you have put your current lifestyle on pause by carefully preparing and storing your valuable items, you can enjoy better your new chapter overseas. Get started today by speaking with a professional at a storage unit facility like U-Stor-It in your preferred location. 


2024© Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches
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Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

I have been a business owner for years, and I want to share some tips for success with new entrepreneurs out there who are struggling. I have had my share of business ups and downs, but there was one lesson that it took me way too long to learn: Good financial record-keeping year-long keeps tax time from being so stressful. During my first year in business, I kept most business expense receipts, but when tax time arrived, I found out that I needed to save much more than just those receipts. Thanks to technology, I was able to recover most of the documentation I needed, but it was a huge headache. I quickly invested in good record-keeping software and it made tax time much less stressful during the following years.