Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

3 Ways To Improve Your Printer's Wireless Connection

Terra Fields

Does your printer often get disconnected from your home's network? If so, then this can be a major inconvenient to deal with, as this can delay the speed of your prints and often times prevent you from being able to print at all. Rather than assume you need to replace your printer itself, you may want to try different solutions that can improve the quality of the connection between your printer and your home's wireless network. There are many helpful and effective ways to improve the connection between your printer and network, such as:

Relocate Your Printer:

Like your computers, tablets, and laptops, your printer connects to the wireless router on your network in order to share a connection. If this connection isn't the strongest, then your computers or any device that you print off of will have a hard time transferring the data to your printer, which can result in a delay of prints or issues with not being able to print at all. To improve the connection between your router and printer, you will want to consider moving your printer either closer to your router and/or higher off the ground. To generate a strong signal, your printer and router need to send and receive radio frequencies back and forth to each other. If your printer is closer to your router, the connection will be much faster, resulting in a stronger connection. So, if your printer is located in another room, consider moving it to the same room that your printer is located in.

Update The Printer's Software:

Often times the manufacture of your printer will release software updates that improve and better optimize the wireless router settings on your printer. Checking the website of your printer's manufacture and downloading the latest drivers will update the software within your printer, which will boost the performance of your printer, and improve the connection between your printer and your home's network. This option may often times be overlooked, so it is best to keep this in mind when trying to better your printer's wireless connection.

Use an Ethernet Cable:

Sometimes printers may not have a strong connection with your home's network due to a defective wireless router. This can be the reason for your printer constantly disconnecting from the network and your computer systems. If this is the case, you can use an Ethernet cable to connect your printer to your router. An Ethernet cable is a great and reliable way to improve your printer's connection quality, as the Ethernet cable will give your printer a direct line to your home's network without your printer having to wirelessly send and retrieve radio frequencies.

By using these methods, you will likely improve the performance of your printer, while avoiding connection errors and any delays that poor connection issues will cause. If your printer needs repairs done, contact a local company like Automated Office Systems.


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Good Record-keeping Helps New Business Owners Avoid Tax-time Headaches

I have been a business owner for years, and I want to share some tips for success with new entrepreneurs out there who are struggling. I have had my share of business ups and downs, but there was one lesson that it took me way too long to learn: Good financial record-keeping year-long keeps tax time from being so stressful. During my first year in business, I kept most business expense receipts, but when tax time arrived, I found out that I needed to save much more than just those receipts. Thanks to technology, I was able to recover most of the documentation I needed, but it was a huge headache. I quickly invested in good record-keeping software and it made tax time much less stressful during the following years.